Abraham Parker
Project Manager
Abe is an environmental scientist and communications specialist who specializes in developing fact sheets, web content, technical publications, and other outreach materials for diverse audiences. An ecologist by training, he is EMS's technical lead for projects related to ecological revitalization, brownfields redevelopment, and risk assessment. He provides management and technical support to the Superfund Human Health Risk Assessors Forum, the EPA Land Revitalization Coordinators Workgroup, and the Superfund Community Involvement Branch. Abe also is EMS's in-house Spanish translator for fact sheets, reports, and Web content. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from Cornell University. In his spare time, you can find him competing in triathlons and marathons or planning his next backpacking trip.
Projects: OBLR Land Revitalization Program Support, Superfund Risk Assessment Support, Superfund Community Involvement and Program Initiatives, Superfund Quick Response Tasks, OEI Exchange Network Grant Program Support