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Edie Findeis

Vice President

Edie has been planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies and programs with EMS for over 31 years. She currently serves as EMS's Vice President, Program Manager for EMS's EPA/Office of Land and Emergency Management Small Business Contract, and Program Manager for EMS's EPA Office of Community Revitalization Contract. She provides managerial and technical support in public and legislative affairs, community involvement, technology transfer, community technical assistance, and training, and is EMS's lead for training video development for EPA's Superfund Legacy Learning Initiative. She has facilitated stakeholder meetings and led and organizational development sessions for EPA. A talented database programmer, Edie created and manages EMS's Records Management System, a flexible system designed to meet EPA's needs for rapid response to information requests from Congress, the Inspector General, EPA Regions, and other organizations, as well as FOIAs regarding brownfields grants.

Projects: OBLR's Grants Management Support for Multipurpose, Assessment, Revolving Loan, Cleanup, and Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Funds, OBLR's Publications and Technical Assistance Support, OSRTI's Superfund Legacy Learning Support, and OCR's Technical Assistance Support For Revitalization and Investment in Communities With Opportunity Zones

Edie Findeis
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